Trinity Of Life Ring
延伸星級產品三意鑽戒的精美高端大氣上檔次,新一代三意鑽戒更有凌駕之勢。'星燁三意'鑽戒加綴雙排高級美鑽環繞,營造出高尚燦靚視覺效果;360 琺瑯潤飾戒身,豐美色澤賞心而悅目,提升了觀賞價值之餘,更彰顯其矜貴保值性。新設計數字造型別具新意,以靈動的彩衣條紋點綴其中,意喻身份升格,此意義深化的設計巧思,增添指間的魅力,讓您舉手揮指之際,凝聚目光焦點。而戒身內的精彩亮點,來自精工鏤空刻紋和VISIBER標誌,精細細節不落俗套,正是完美的詮釋。
取名'星燁三意',乃因雙排閃亮的鑽石,仿如光耀的星星;燁,寓意閃亮、光耀;當'星'配上'燁',刻畫出宇宙間璀璨的星河之勢。全新設計的個人專屬 '星燁三意' 鑽戒,閃爍的光芒,酷似美麗的星河,讓人目不轉睛,仿如你的美好的人生,散發出無限奪目光彩,讓人仰慕。'星燁三意'鑽戒承載著象徵人生'完美'、'圓滿'和'諾言'的寓意,承諾繼續陪伴大家建造完美、圓滿的人生。
The "Trinity of Life" Ring: Uniting Opportunities from Heaven and Earth
VISIBER 2015 cordially presents: the Dazzling "Trinity of Life" Ring
As a continuation to the exquisite trinity diamond ring series, the brand new "Trinity of Life" Ring not only carries the elegance of its antecedents, but also surpasses with overriding confidence. The ring's conjugated diamond design creates an opulent and flaring appearance, while its 360 degrees enamel polish confers a delightful visual experience. The ring is not only pleasant to the eye, but also has great keeping value.
A creative design is adopted for the digits on the ring; they are garnished with animated and colourful linings, symbolising the elevation of status. This well-thought design philosophy is meant to increase not only the allure between the fingers, but also the wearer herself as the centre of attraction. The body of the ring is also an exercise of perfection. Comprising of an elaborated hollow engravings and the VISIBER logo, it adorns a detailed yet unconventional design.
The heaven element of the "Trinity of Life" Ring lies in the twin band of sparkling diamonds that resembles shimmering stars in the night sky. This 'astral' element reminds one of starry gleam and glory, depicting the vast galaxy as illuminated by an array of stars. The new "Trinity of Life" Ring is indeed designed to personal perfection; its glitter resembles our beautiful galaxy, symbolising a life that is tantalising and admirable to others. The "Trinity of Life" Ring also embodies three goals of life; 'perfection', 'satisfaction', and 'promise'; a promise of a perfect and satisfied life.
金色,紅色, 藍色, 綠色, 黃色
18K White Gold + Diamond + Transparent Enamel
Enamel Colour:
Gold, Red, Blue, Green, Yellow
金色,紅色, 藍色, 綠色, 黃色
18K White Gold + Diamond + Transparent Enamel
Enamel Colour:
Gold, Red, Blue, Green, Yellow