
165 9Q Compact Pewter Frame




家,甲骨文 (宀,房屋)和 (豕,猪),蓄养生猪的稳定居所。

本义为屋内、住所;从宀,豭省(省豭右叚)声,本义作「居」解(许慎《说文解字》),乃人所居屋,故从宀。曲礼曰:"问庶人之富数畜(以豕代众畜)以对"。 "干道成男,坤道成女",阴阳融合化生万物,"有夫有妇,然后为家",家承担繁衍生命,使人类新老更替、绵延不绝的使命。家,给予温暖,抚育成长,是安定社会的力量。

安,甲骨文 (宀,新房)加上 (女,新娘),从"女"在"宀"下,表示新房中有新娘。


安,本义为安定、安全、安稳;「女」在「宀」下,意为家里有女子打理就能安,「闺阃乃圣贤所出之地,母教为天下太平之源」,家族中有母亲,有婆婆,有女子操持家务,为家庭做事,故能令全家安定。 (注:闺阃旧称妇女居住的内室)










1 6 5 = 3

1 6 5 = 3

1 6 5 = 3


















165 9Q Pewter Frame

A Full House and a Fulfilled Living

In Oracle Bone Script, the Chinese character'家' (Home) is a combination of the characters of 'house' (宀) and 'pig' (豕), implying that it is the place where a family can live in a stable manner and hence start rearing livestock.

According to Chinese philologist Xu Shen's work, shuowen jiezi (Explaining Graphs and Analyzing Characters), the original meaning of the term jia '家' means shelter. The term then evolved to include livestock (the diversity of which was represented by the pig), as well as a married couple to symbolize sustenance and procreation. Thus, having a family became mankind's destiny to prolong the survival of our species. The home is important in this for it provides a warm and nurturing environment for growth, making it thebedrock of society's stability.

In Oracle Bone Script, the Chinese character Harmony (安) is a combination of the terms 'house' (宀) and 'woman' (女), meaning that there's a bride in the new house.

The original meaning is that when a man can build a house and marry a wife; that is the moment he attains stability. In ancient agrarian society, to have a house and to get married was two of the most important events in a man's life, without which he would be anxious and deprived of stability.

As the original meaning of 安 is stability and security, the coupling of the two characters 'house' and 'woman' implies that having a woman in the house would introduce security.As the old saying goes, the woman's bedroom is where the sages originate, and a mother's education is where the stability of the world comes from.Mothers and grandmothers are undeniably the foundations of stability in a family.

A Full House and a Fulfilled Living

To live in a household of sufficiency, stability, and happiness is the kind of life we all aspire to. However, the key to this depends on whether one has a good living environment or not.

The 57society Pewter Frame series belongs to a series of household decor produced by 57society. It is designed using the combination of numbers methodology and a creative numerical culture, with a mission to create a distinct yet comfortable household environment.

Tailored to a household environment, the "165" 9Q Pewter Frame functions as more than a home furnishing, as it also improves the magnetic field of the house.

The Treasure of a Household

Our definition of a harmonious, happy household has always gone beyond the image of a beautiful house to include feelings of warmth and coziness. Without such feelings, the house is at best a 'shelter', not a home. Therefore, a happy living must be inclusive of flourishment, health, a successful career, vitality, prosperity, and others.

The "165" 9Q Pewter Frame not only improves the magnetic field of the house but also bring forward health, stability, and prosperity to its inhabitants.It can also offset the negative effects arising from the clash of watery and fire elements, giving its inhabitants the satisfaction of achieving 'a full house and a fulfilled living'.

The Perfect Arrangement, The Perfect Cycle- 1-6-5, 1-6-5, 1-6-5

The number 1-6-5 is a highly unique combination. This is because it drew its source from a kitchen's fire; and at the same time, complementing the Fire element from the kitchen to cover the entire house, holding its wealth and harmony in place.

Apart from the 'golden' arrangement consisting of three sets of 1-6-5, there is also the number 3 that represents the three Forces - Sky, Earth, and Man- which is followed by the largest single digit odd number 9. These numbers grouped together to form a perfect cycle, guaranteeing the long-lastingness of warmth and happiness in 'a full house and a fulfilled living'.

The Wisdom of the Five Elements: Wood Generates Fire, Fire Generates Earth

The '165' numerical combination on the "165" 9Q Pewter Frame is a rather special set of numbers as they can increase the happiness element within a house while also offsetting incompatible elements. The frame is also designed with a living environment in mind so that it not only enhances the beauty of the space but also improves on the negativity of its surrounding. Crafted in three colors (green, red, and yellow) using enamel hand-painting techniques, the frame reflects the self-renewing and self-perpetuating nature of the Five Elements, as illustrated by 'wood generates fire, fire generates earth' principle. This prolongs and sustains the positivity within the house.

Green represents Wood. In the generating cycle of Five Elements, wood feeds and generates fire. By strengthening the fire element, the green colorenhances procreation and health.

Red as the color of fire brings the meaning of prosperity and development. The most important magnetic field in a house is one that is related to fire, for it symbolizes perpetuation and growth, as well as the accumulation of riches.By using the color red in the frame, it exemplifies the momentum and morale of the household, increasing career prospects and productive networks.

Yellow represents the element of Earth. According to the generating cycle of the Five Elements, fire creates earth, symbolizing the preservation wealth and the creation of more business and investment opportunities.

By supplying auspiciousness on a multilevel basis, '165' 9Q Pewter Frame aims to bring to families harmony, prosperity, health, and riches, providing the ideal environment for a full house and a fulfilled living!

Product Materials

High quality pure pewter

Handcrafted fine enamel

24K gold plated numbers and '57society' wordings

Tempered glass frame

Back frame with patterned acrylic resin

Stainless steel support stand

Stainless steel rack