
The Duke Diamond Ring


"公爵鑽戒"中心擁有一顆碩大的2.0 - 2.7克拉圓形黃寶石,四周再以螺旋形鑲嵌的鑽石作陪襯點綴。鑽戒貫徹大膽設計風格,輔以優雅細緻的白金屬演繹線條,突顯黃寶石本身的濃郁澄澈光芒。融合傳統與現代工藝,此鑽戒彰顯出穿戴者的高雅氣質、尊貴身份,是堅貞永恒的最佳設計載體。

The Duke Ring
Designers draw heavily upon the stately gold and yellow sapphire to create The Duke of VISIBER Diamond Ring. The numbers '57' and '96' bring out a classy flair which blends perfectly with themes of the design. The Duke of VISIBER Diamond Ring features a 2.0 - 2.7 karat yellow sapphire inside a square frame studded with diamonds in a spiral design.
This bold design complements the delicate elegance of white gold, giving it restrained lines and showcasing the beauty of the yellow sapphire. Traditional craftsmanship and modern production techniques blend impeccably to create the perfect piece that brings out the elegance and nobility of the wearer. It is the very epitome of loyalty and eternity.

18k白金、高級美鑽、透明琺瑯 + 黃色藍寶石

金色,紅色, 藍色, 綠色, 黃色

18K White Gold + Diamond + Transparent Enamel + Yellow Sapphire

Enamel Colour:
Gold, Red, Blue, Green, Yellow